Author Archives: parr-admin

Drone Insurance

As technology continues to evolve, the insurance industry must do the same to be able to insure these new technologies. Recently, drones have become popular and insurance agencies are accepting the challenge of insuring these unmanned air-crafts. Click here to learn more.

Share Economy Issues

The share economy has had its share of issues. Uber has been trying to block a lawsuit seeking to reimburse over 19,000 employees for mileage and tips. This also brings up the issue of if these employees are entitled to worker’s compensation. Read the article here to learn more.

CNA Risk Management

Slip, trip, and fall continues to be a trend in workers compensation and general liability. CNA has provided resources to reduce the likelihood of of this type of incident. These resources include informative webinars and even a school for risk control. Check out the link here.

Protecting Credit Card Fraud

The US is home to half of the world’s credit card fraud. In an attempt to protect its customers, banks have implemented chip-and-pin technology. This means the credit card data is stored on a tiny chip and the user must enter a pin number for any transaction to go through. Now banks are fearing criminals are in a scramble to find new ways to steal customer data. Read more here.

Insure Your Fine Pieces of Art

Pieces of fine art are soaring in value with collectors willing to pay increasingly high prices for art. Insure your fine art to ensure peace of mind. Read more about how prices for fine art are soaring by clicking here and be sure to read more about ensuring piece of mind with your fine art by clicking here.

Melissa Neis Featured in Claims Management

The rapidly growing shared economy has brought about new risk management concerns and a call for product innovation in the insurance industry. Read more in this month’s issue of Claims Management which features our own Melissa Neis and her article “Insurance Implications and Solutions for the Collaborative Consumption Economy.” The article can found here.


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